Hands-on Workshop: Cardiac CT and MRI

HW 11Cc - Cardiac inflammation: imaging insights and reporting strategies

February 29, 16:00 - 17:30 CET

To participate, a pre-congress Hands-on Workshop registration is required.

Participants who have completed their workshop registration before ECR are requested to arrive at the workshop room 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the session to present their badge and complete their check-in.

10 min
Chairperson's introduction
Iacopo Carbone, Roma / Italy
80 min
Davide Farina, Brescia / Italy
Ausami Abbas, Sherbourne st.john / United Kingdom
Luigia D'Errico, Cambridge / United Kingdom
Learning Objectives
1. To become familiar with typical and atypical imaging findings of inflammatory diseases of the myocardium and pericardium.
2. To become familiar with imaging criteria and other supporting diagnostic modalities.
3. To discuss the limits and technical drawbacks of cardiac MRI and CT.
4. To learn how to report cardiac MRI and CT using specific templates.