RPS 304 - Computational fluid dynamics in predicting progressive aortic dilatation following type A aortic surgical dissection
05:03Yu Zhu, London / UK
RPS 304 - Dual energy computerised tomography pulmonary angiography (DECTPA) quantifies lobar iodine distribution in patients with severe emphysema
05:09N. Jeyin, London / UK
RPS 304 - Biphasic split-bolus protocol for routine contrast-enhanced chest CT imaging: a comparison with a conventional early phase-single bolus technique
04:49M. Kul, Ankara / Turkey
RPS 304 - Contrast-enhanced MRI for lung nodule detection and characterization in a high-risk population: a comparison with low-dose CT
05:12Li Qian, Heidelberg / Germany
RPS 304 - Visual and quantitative CT airway assessment in phenotyping severe asthma for precision therapy
04:47E. Robinson, Bristol / UK
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