Refresher Course: Vascular

RC 815 - Chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI)

February 27, 10:00 - 11:00 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Dimitrios Karnabatidis, Patra / Greece
15 min
State-of-the-art diagnosis and personalised decision-making: what to discuss in the multidisciplinary team (MDT)
Athanasios Diamantopoulos, London / United Kingdom
  1. To name at least three available imaging tools for the diagnosis or recurrence of CLTI.         
  2. To discuss data required during the MDT for a personalised treatment plan.
  3. To name at least three indications for endovascular versus surgical treatment options.
15 min
Endovascular vs surgical treatment options: tell me the evidence
Miltiadis Krokidis, Athens / Greece
  1. To recognise various approaches for the treatment of CLTI.             
  2. To name at least three new endovascular treatment options and strategies for the treatment of CLTI.
  3. To discuss comparative data available in the literature.
15 min
What is new in endovascular management: what will change my practice in the next 5 years?
Konstantinos Katsanos, Patras / Greece
  1. To name at least three major endovascular devices currently used for the treatment of CLTI.             
  2. To name at least three new endovascular devices available for CLTI.
  3. To reflect upon current literature.
10 min
Panel discussion: Challenges in CLTI management: endovascular, surgical or both? When and why?