New Horizons Session

NH 11 - Contrast media: save, reduce, optimise


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Alain Luciani, Paris / FR

Anthropogenic gadolinium and iodinated contrast media (ICM): microcontaminants of the aquatic ecosystem

Anthropogenic gadolinium and iodinated contrast media (ICM): microcontaminants of the aquatic ecosystem

15:00Douraïed Ben Salem, Brest / FR

Spectral CT: optimising image contrast with reduced contrast medium

Spectral CT: optimising image contrast with reduced contrast medium

10:00Sebastien Mule, Créteil / FR

Contrast media: employing AI as a “virtual contrast agent”

Contrast media: employing AI as a “virtual contrast agent”

15:00Qiang Zhang, Oxford / UK

CM reduction strategies: CM innovations, abbreviated protocols and non-CM imaging

CM reduction strategies: CM innovations, abbreviated protocols and non-CM imaging

15:00Ilona I. A. Dekkers, Leiden / NL

Panel discussion: How to be more sustainable?

Panel discussion: How to be more sustainable?

30:00Panel discussion: How to be more sustainable?

NH 11-1
5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Alain Luciani, Paris / France
NH 11-2
15 min
Anthropogenic gadolinium and iodinated contrast media (ICM): microcontaminants of the aquatic ecosystem
Douraïed Ben Salem, Brest / France
  1. To learn what is the environmental fate of gadolinium and ICM.
  2. To appreciate where these materials are sourced.
  3. To understand how to reduce this water pollution.
NH 11-3
10 min
Spectral CT: optimising image contrast with reduced contrast medium
Sebastien Mule, Créteil / France
  1. To learn the physical principles of spectral CT and its impact on image contrast.
  2. To appreciate the ability of spectral CT to reduce contrast media dose.
  3. To understand how the use of spectral CT may impact radiation dose.
NH 11-4
15 min
Contrast media: employing AI as a “virtual contrast agent”
Qiang Zhang, Oxford / United Kingdom
  1. To learn how generative AI can be employed as virtual contrast in enhancing MRI.
  2. To appreciate the impact of AI on MRI efficiency and environmental benefits.
  3. To envision future opportunities of AI-powered contrast-free MRI
NH 11-5
15 min
CM reduction strategies: CM innovations, abbreviated protocols and non-CM imaging
Ilona I. A. Dekkers, Leiden / Netherlands
  1. To learn about new innovations in CM research that will enable the use of lowered CM dose per patient and reduce environmental impact.
  2. To appreciate the evidence of abbreviated scan protocols, without CE-sequences, that are diagnostically equivalent to full protocols that require CM.
  3. To understand the pros and cons of non-CM imaging.
NH 11-6
30 min
Panel discussion: How to be more sustainable?

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