EuroSafe Imaging Session - Jointly organised with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Society of Radiology (ISR)

EU 1 - CT in health assessment of asymptomatic individuals: a framework for good governance

February 26, 08:00 - 09:30 CET

Under the framework of WHO's Global Initiative on Radiation Safety in Health Care Settings, WHO launched a project to improve justification and clinical governance of the use of CT in asymptomatic people for individual health assessment (“CT-IHA”). The session will provide an overview of the WHO publication "CT-IHA" that addresses the intended public health benefits vs potential harms as well as the costs, ethics and service implications for individuals and the society. A panel discussion with all speakers and the chair will focus on possible implications of the "CT-IHA" for public health authorities and radiation protection regulators.
5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Boris Brkljačić, Zagreb / Croatia
10 min
An introduction to the WHO's CT-IHA initiative
Ferid Shannoun, Geneva / Switzerland
20 min
A framework document for good governance for CT-IHA
Steve Ebdon-Jackson, Reading / United Kingdom
15 min
Detection of lung cancer for asymptomatic individuals
Mathias Prokop, Nijmegen / Netherlands
15 min
Uncertainties and ethical issues of CT-IHA
Jim Malone, Dublin / Ireland
10 min
Regulatory aspects of CT-IHA
Eva Godske Friberg, Oesteraas / Norway
15 min
Panel discussion: Is CT-IHA inevitable and is it appropriate?
Guy Frija, Paris / France