TC 1228 - Current status of stroke workup and treatment
TC 1228_1 - A. Current status of endovascular management of acute ischaemic stroke: evidence and guidelines
17:14Raman Uberoi, Oxford / UK
Learning Objectives 1. To learn about current evidence of endovascular treatment in acute ischaemic stroke. 2. To become familiar with evidence-based guidelines (AHA/ASA and ESO/ESMINT) in stroke treatment.
TC 1228_2 - B. CT-based evaluation of acute stroke: advantages and challenges
18:42Achala Vagal, Cincinnati, OH / US
Learning Objectives 1. To learn about the advantages and challenges of CT-based stroke imaging workup. 2. To become familiar with the pitfalls of CT perfusion imaging.
TC 1228_3 - C. MRI-based evaluation of acute stroke: advantages and challenges
20:53Max Wintermark, San Francisco, CA / US
Learning Objectives 1. To learn about the advantages of MRI-based stroke imaging workup. 2. To become familiar with the challenges of MRI-based stroke imaging workup.
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