RPS 402 - Diagnostic performance of non-invasive imaging for assessment of axillary pathologic complete response after neoadjuvant systemic therapy in clinically node-positive breast cancer: a meta-analysis
05:27C. de Mooij, Maastricht / Netherlands
RPS 402 - Assessment on contrast-enhanced cone beam breast CT (CE-CBBCT): characteristics of breast cancers
05:17Yue Ma, Tianjin / China
RPS 402 - Diagnostic performance of 18F-FDG PET/CT and DCE-MRI of the breast in assessment of early response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) in locally advanced braest cancer (LABC) patients
05:27A. Abdelghani, Cairo / Egypt
RPS 402 - Cone-beam breast CT features associated with intrinsic subtypes of HER2-positive breast cancer according to hormone receptor status
05:38Y. Zhu, Tianjin / China
RPS 402 - Parameters of breast DTI (MD and FA) in high-grade and low-grade invasive ductal carcinoma
05:24M. Nadrljanski, Belgrade / Serbia
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