ESR Patient Advisory Group (ESR-PAG) Session - Jointly organised with the European Society of Breast Imaging (EUSOBI) and European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS)

PA 4 - Diversity in communication skills: a practical approach

February 26, 13:00 - 14:30 CET

Effective communication in radiology is crucial to good quality patient care, especially in an increasingly diverse patient population. The special needs, unique circumstances, and specific requirements of patients necessitate empathy, effective communication, mutual understanding, and the development of soft skills for radiologists and radiographers. This session will offer two workshops, one for radiographers and one for radiologists to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to manage communication challenges.
5 min
Chairpersons' introduction
10 min
Making patients comfortable during the intimate imaging investigation
10 min
Communication of adolescents' abuse, domestic abuse and intimate partner violence
10 min
Insights of a transgender patient experience and needs
10 min
Transgender patients in breast imaging
45 min
Panel discussion: How to develop soft skills to discuss uncomfortable/sensitive topics with patients?