Patients in Focus

IF 18 - Early detection and early diagnosis of prostate cancer, lung cancer and the involvement of radiologists


Radiology in the 2021 guidelines on the early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer

Radiology in the 2021 guidelines on the early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer

10:00Tobias Penzkofer, Berlin / DE

The patient's view on early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer

The patient's view on early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer

10:00Erik Briers, Hasselt / BE

Lung cancer early detection and diagnosis: the value of radiology

Lung cancer early detection and diagnosis: the value of radiology

10:00Caro Franck, Edegem / BE

The patient's view on early detection and diagnosis of lung cancer

The patient's view on early detection and diagnosis of lung cancer

10:00Anne-Marie Baird, Dublin / IE

Panel discussion: How can we reach the objectives to organise early detection and diagnosis of cancers in Europe for high prevalence cancers?

Panel discussion: How can we reach the objectives to organise early detection and diagnosis of cancers in Europe for high prevalence cancers?

08:00Panel discussion: How can we reach the objectives to organise early detection and diagnosis of cancers in Europe for high prevalence cancers?