Research Presentation Sessions: Breast

RPS 1502 - Early diagnosis and breast lesions characterisation


Introduction by the moderator

Introduction by the moderator

02:00Elisabetta Giannotti, Nottingham / UK

Simultaneous multiparametric [18F]-fluoroethylcholine PET-MRI for the diagnosis of breast cancer

Simultaneous multiparametric [18F]-fluoroethylcholine PET-MRI for the diagnosis of breast cancer

08:00Paola Clauser, Vienna / AT

Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging for predicting breast cancer recurrence

Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion-weighted imaging for predicting breast cancer recurrence

08:00WanChen Tsai, Taipei / TW

A machine learning (ML) ensemble based on radiomics to reduce the biopsy rate of ultrasound-detected suspicious breast masses

A machine learning (ML) ensemble based on radiomics to reduce the biopsy rate of ultrasound-detected suspicious breast masses

08:00Veronica Magni, Milano / IT

Evaluation of a deep learning-based artificial intelligence system for breast asymmetry detection

Evaluation of a deep learning-based artificial intelligence system for breast asymmetry detection

08:00Lin Li, Shenzhen / CN

Breast composition may predict breast cancer features and cancer-specific survival

Breast composition may predict breast cancer features and cancer-specific survival

08:00Ernest Ekpo, The University Of Sydney / AU

Digital breast tomosynthesis combined with contrast-enhanced spectral mammography helps reveal anatomic causes of artefacts and benign enhancing findings on subtracted contrast images.

Digital breast tomosynthesis combined with contrast-enhanced spectral mammography helps reveal anatomic causes of artefacts and benign enhancing findings on subtracted contrast images.

08:00Olena Weaver, Houston / US

An effective approach for breast tumour segmentation based on Mask R-CNN architecture

An effective approach for breast tumour segmentation based on Mask R-CNN architecture

08:00Nasim Sirjani, Tehran / IR

Comparison of artificial intelligence computer-aided detection enhanced synthesised mammograms versus original digital mammograms alone and in combination with tomosynthesis images

Comparison of artificial intelligence computer-aided detection enhanced synthesised mammograms versus original digital mammograms alone and in combination with tomosynthesis images

08:00Takayoshi Uematsu, Shizuoka / JP