Self-assesment Session

E³ 221 - Emergency and chest radiology


E³ 221 - A. Dyspnoea in oncologic patients: how to approach it

E³ 221 - A. Dyspnoea in oncologic patients: how to approach it

27:06C. Schaefer-Prokop, Amersfoort / Netherlands

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the role of imaging in oncologic patients with dyspnoea.
2. To understand the importance of clinical data for narrowing the differential diagnosis

E³ 221 - B. Blunt thoracic trauma: from the plain film to CT

E³ 221 - B. Blunt thoracic trauma: from the plain film to CT

30:16A. Oikonomou, Toronto, ON / Canada

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the spectrum of radiological findings in blunt thoracic trauma.
2. To emphasise the importance of CT reformations for the detection of severe complex traumatic injuries.

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.