20:10Update on EuroSafe Imaging
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Prof. Guy Frija, Chair of ESR EuroSafe Imaging, about activities and updates on radiation protection.
29:47 Clinical audit and related challenges
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Dr. Adrian Brady, ESR 2nd Vice-President, about clinical audit and related challenges.
30:02Insights into Imaging
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic talks to Prof. Luis Marti-Bonmati, editor-in-chief, about the journal Insights into Imaging.
26:42Africa - challenges for radiology
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi speaks to Prof. Michael Kawooya, chair of AFROSAFE-EN, about challenges for radiology in Africa.
30:44Activities of the ESR Research Committee
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Marc Dewey, chair of the ESR Research Committee, about activities and future projects of his committee.
22:40European School of Radiology (ESOR)
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Prof. Valerie Vilgrain, Scientific Director of ESOR, about the current activities and challenges for the European School of Radiology.
30:18Lung Cancer Screening
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Marie-Pierre Revel about Lung Cancer Screening in Europe.
30:31ESR Education Committee & Radiology Trainees Forum
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Carlo Catalano, chair of the ESR Education Committee, and to Dr Martin Reim, chair of the Radiology Trainee Forum, about education and other needs of radiology residents.
27:32Activities of the ESR National Societies Committee
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi speaks to Prof. Andrea Rockall, chair of the ESR National Societies Committee, about the activities of her committee.
28:00Impact of COVID-19 on radiology in Brazil
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to brazilian neuroradiologist Prof. M. de Fatima Vasco Aragao about the impact of COVID-19 on radiology in Brazil and her latest research activities.
30:25The Lancet Oncology Commission on imaging and nuclear medicine
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Prof. Hedvig Hricak about the Lancet Oncology Commission on imaging and nuclear medicine, which she chairs.
46:24EU cancer policy and the role of imaging
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic talks to Prof. Regina Beets-Tan, ESR 1st Vice-President, about the EU cancer mission board of which she is a member of, as well as EU cancer and screening policy.
29:31ESR iGuide (clinical decision support for referrers)
31:24Children in Focus
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic talks to Dr. Lil-Sofie Ording Müller and Dr. Catherine Owens about the "Children in Focus" programme and paediatric radiology.
30:38Activities of the ESR eHealth and informatics subcommittee
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Dr. Adrian Brady (ESR 2nd Vice-President) and Prof. Elmar Kotter (ESR eHealth and informatics subcommittee) about ESR activities, challenges and plans in the field of eHealth, artificial intelligence and imaging informatics.
31:23Activities of the ESR Subspecialties and Allied Sciences Committee
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Apostolos Karantanas, chair of the ESR Subspecialties and Allied Sciences Committee, about the activities of is committee.
37:20European Board of Radiology & European Diploma in Radiology
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi speaks to Prof. Laura Oleaga, scientific director of EDiR, and Violeta Iranzo, executive manager of EBR, about how the European Diploma in Radiology adapted to the new reality and other activities of the European Board of Radiology.
30:09Research management support for radiologists - EIBIR services
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Prof. Gabriel Krestin, Scientific Director of EIBIR, about research management support for radiology as provided by the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research.
27:40ESR Education on Demand
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Dr. Sue Barter, chair of the ESR e-learning subcommittee and ESR Education on Demand.
31:21Impact of COVID-19 on radiology in China
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Zhengyu Jin, president of the Chinese Society of Radiology, about the impact of COVID-19 on radiology in China.
30:54Collaboration with European Cancer Organisation
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Matti Aapro, president, and MIke Morrissey, chief executove, of the European Cancer Organisation about activities and collaboration regarding cancer in Europe.
30:17ESR Ultrasound position statement
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Dirk-André Clevert, chair of the ESR subcommittee on ultrasound, about the upcoming ESR position statement on the use of clinical ultrasound.
32:11European Radiology
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic speaks to Prof. Yves Menu, editor-in-chief, about the journal European Radiology.
31:15Outlook on ECR 2021
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Michael Fuchsjäger, ECR 2021 congress president, about the programme and highlights of ECR 2021.
31:38Collaboration between radiology and laboratory medicine
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Boris Brkljacic talks to Prof. Michael Neumaier, past-president of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, about collaboration between radiology and laboratory medicine.
30:40 European Radiology Experimental
In this Table Talk held during ECR 2020 Summer Edition, Prof. Lorenzo Derchi talks to Prof. Francesco Sardanelli, editor-in-chief, about the journal European Radiology Experimental.
10:00Wrap-up from the ECR 2020 President
In this final Table Talk, Prof. Boris Brkljacic wraps-up important figures of attendance of the ECR 2020 Online. The report is followed by an ad-hoc "moment of social closeness", supported by members of the ESR Executive Council and the ECR programme Planning Committee, and musically accompanied by Soul singer Dorrtet Carter and Prof. Lorenzo Derchi.