Organized as part of the EuCanImage initiative, this workshop will provide an in-depth exploration of advanced clinical data integration techniques, tools, and insights gained through the EuCanImage project. Participants in the hands-on session will have the opportunity to contribute to a collaborative study using the in-silico trial tool. The results of this study may form part of a publication in an international journal, with co-authorship offered to those who participate actively in the research effort.
Introduction and Project Presentation
Maciej Bobowicz, Gdańsk / Poland
Imaging Data
Katrine Riklund, Umeå / Sweden
Non-Imaging Data
Maciej Bobowicz, Gdańsk / Poland
Data Platform
Stefan Klein, Rotterdam / Netherlands
Metadata Catalogue (How It Is Organized and Contents)
Stefan Klein, Rotterdam / Netherlands
Reasoning Behind Different Sets of Clinical Variables and Data Availability Through EUCAIM
Katrine Riklund, Umeå / Sweden
Data Access
Maciej Bobowicz, Gdańsk / Poland