Refresher Courses: Head and Neck

RC 1808 - Follow-up in head and neck cancer: hybrid imaging and new tracers


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Bert De Foer, Antwerp / BE

PET/CT: pitfalls in the head and neck and how to avoid them

PET/CT: pitfalls in the head and neck and how to avoid them

20:00Bela Satish Purohit, Singapore / SG

PET/MRI: challenges and outcome in head and neck imaging

PET/MRI: challenges and outcome in head and neck imaging

20:00Minerva Becker, Geneva / CH

Panel discussion: Clinical impact of imaging follow-up

Panel discussion: Clinical impact of imaging follow-up

15:00Panel discussion: Clinical impact of imaging follow-up

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.