Special Focus Session

SF 5 - How to read a chest radiograph


SF 5 - The lungs

SF 5 - The lungs

10:30M. Herman, Olomouc / CZ

Learning Objectives
1. To review the approach to focal and diffuse lung diseases at chest radiography.
2. To appreciate the chest radiograph limitations for focal and diffuse lung diseases.
3. To demonstrate possible mistakes.

SF 5 - The hila and pulmonary vasculature

SF 5 - The hila and pulmonary vasculature

08:47A. Nair, London / UK

Learning Objectives
1. To appreciate the radiographic features of the structures forming the hila.
2. To review the differences between pulmonary arteries and veins.
3. To examine patterns of distribution of pulmonary flow.

SF 5 - The heart and mediastinum

SF 5 - The heart and mediastinum

10:04J. Vilar, Valencia / ES

Learning Objectives
1. To review the normal mediastinal lines.
2. To learn about the normal and abnormal mediastinal contour.
3. To focus on the cardio-pericardial silhouette.

SF 5 - The pleura and chest wall

SF 5 - The pleura and chest wall

10:13E. Barbosa Jr., Philadelphia, PA / US

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the signs of air and fluid accumulation in the pleural space.
2. To appreciate how to distinguish pleural from extra-pleural lesions.
3. To review the most common chest wall lesions.

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.