Special Focus Session

SF 23 - Imaging answers to immunotherapy demands

March 2, 09:30 - 11:00 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Mirjam Gerwing, Münster / Germany
25 min
Why bother: oncologist's issues with immunotherapy
Carolin Lips, St. Gallen / Switzerland
  1. To appreciate the challenges oncologists face when treating patients with immunotherapy.
  2. To learn that differentiation of progression and pseudoprogression needs advanced imaging.
  3. To understand that inter- and intratumoural heterogeneity needs precise imaging for individual patient care.
25 min
Cellular heterogeneity in MRI
  1. To learn the basic principles of high-resolution proton MR spectroscopic imaging (1H - MRSI) and sodium imaging (23Na MRI) in ultrastructural tumour evaluation.
  2. To understand the added value of 1H - MRSI and 23Na MRI compared to conventional MRI in monitoring patients under immunotherapy.
  3. To understand how sodium concentration changes in 23Na MRI and the activity of different metabolites in 1H MRSI relate to response to tumour immunotherapy.
25 min
Immuno-PET: FAPI and beyond
Frederik L. Giesel, Heidelberg / Germany
  1. To understand the principles of FAPI-PET and its application in patients treated with immunotherapy.
  2. To learn how advances in hybrid imaging enable precise staging and evaluation of therapy response.
  3. To appreciate future possibilities in hybrid imaging that might come after FAPI.
10 min
Panel discussion: What is needed in clinical routine? How can imaging aid immunotherapy?