Refresher Course: Oncologic Imaging

RC 1916 - Imaging beyond the tumour in oncology patients


RC 1916-1 - Chairperson's introduction

RC 1916-1 - Chairperson's introduction

03:27Laure S. Fournier

RC 1916-2 - Sarcopenia in cancer patients

RC 1916-2 - Sarcopenia in cancer patients

15:00Tim Leiner

1. To review the definition and pathophysiology of sarcopenia.
2. To understand how different imaging modalities can be used to identify sarcopenia.
3. To describe the prognostic value of imaging markers of sarcopenia in cancer patients.

RC 1916-3 - Cardiovascular disease and cancer

RC 1916-3 - Cardiovascular disease and cancer

18:34Elie Mousseaux.mp4

1. To describe the main cardio-toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
2. To understand the interactions of cancer treatment with cardiovascular disease.
3. To understand the possible preventions that are proposed for populations at high cardiovascular risk or at risk of cardiotoxicity.

RC 1916-4 - Treatment complications- the example of immunotherapy

RC 1916-4 - Treatment complications- the example of immunotherapy

14:27Nina Tunariu.mp4

1. To become familiar with the concepts behind immunotherapy.
2. To identify imaging patterns of immunotherapy-related complications.
3. To become aware of the challenges posed by the patterns of progression encountered with immunotherapy.

RC 1916-5 - Panel discussion- Which is the role of the radiologist in definite factors that impact cancer patient management?

RC 1916-5 - Panel discussion- Which is the role of the radiologist in definite factors that impact cancer patient management?
