EIBIR Session

EIBIR 21 - Intelligence at work: harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) for clinical decision-making

March 1, 16:00 - 17:30 CET

10 min
Regina G. H. Beets-Tan, Amsterdam / Netherlands
22 min
AI-POD: harnessing the power of AI to combat obesity-related cardiovascular disease
Wiebke Fenske, DE / Bochum
Ben Glocker, London / United Kingdom
  1. To learn about the AI-POD project for obesity-related disease prediction for cardiovascular disease.
  2. To understand how to build and validate AI tools to predict obesity-related vascular disease.
  3. To learn about the clinical need for AI tools for obesity-related vascular disease prediction.
22 min
ODELIA: secure and collaborative AI-driven breast cancer diagnostics through swarm learning
Alexandra Athanasiou, Athens / Greece
Adrià Marcos Morales, Barcelona / Spain
  1. To learn about collaborative training of AI algorithms.
  2. To get up to date about the current progress of AI in MR breast imaging.
  3. To learn about possibilities to contribute to collaborative AI development.
22 min
RadioVal: the AI advantage, charting new frontiers in clinical decision-making
Karim Lekadir, Barcelona / Spain
Gianna Tsakou, Athens, Marousi / Greece
  1. To learn about the FUTURE-AI guideline for trustworthy AI in healthcare.
  2. To understand its potential for building and validating trustworthy AI tools in breast cancer imaging.
  3. To understand the importance of traceable AI and how it can be achieved.
14 min
Questions and answers