EIBIR Session

EIBIR 8 - Lighting the way: pioneering photonics research in medical imaging technologies

February 27, 10:00 - 11:00 CET

5 min
Paola Taroni, Milan / Italy
20 min
HyperProbe: transforming brain surgery by advancing functional-guided neuronavigational imaging
Ivan Ezhov, Munich / Germany
  1. To learn novel optical imaging technologies to aid neurosurgery.
  2. To appreciate the potentials of hyperspectral imaging for non-invasive diagnosis.
  3. To understand how hyperspectral imaging can overcome current limitations in neuronavigation.
20 min
Integrated photonic ultra-sound transducers (IPUT): development of IPUTs towards a clinical application
Maurits van der van der Heiden, The Hague / Netherlands
  1. To learn how medical ultrasound images can be created using light.
  2. To understand the potential impact of IPUTs on medical ultrasound imaging.
  3. To address a clinical application where IPUTs can create an improvement compared to state-of-the-art.
15 min