Research Presentation Sessions: Oncologic Imaging

RPS 2216 - Lymphnode assessment in oncological patients


Introduction by the moderator

Introduction by the moderator

04:00Jelle O. Barentsz, Nijmegen / NL

Lymph node reporting and data system (LN-RADS) for ultrasound classification of lymph nodes

Lymph node reporting and data system (LN-RADS) for ultrasound classification of lymph nodes

08:00Cezary Chudobinski, Łódź / PL

Detection of metastatic lymph nodes by increased stiffness: a road to eRECIST?

Detection of metastatic lymph nodes by increased stiffness: a road to eRECIST?

08:00Stephan Marticorena Garcia, Berlin / DE

Prospective evaluation of N- and M-staging in conventional imaging, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/MRI

Prospective evaluation of N- and M-staging in conventional imaging, MRI and 18F-FDG PET/MRI

08:00Janna Morawitz, Düsseldorf / DE

A nomogram for preoperatively predicting sentinel lymph node status in breast cancer based on DCE-MRI radiomic features and clinical factors

A nomogram for preoperatively predicting sentinel lymph node status in breast cancer based on DCE-MRI radiomic features and clinical factors

08:00Chunhua Wang, Chengdu / CN

Machine learning and radiomics analysis of 18F-FDG PET/MR datasets for the prediction of therapy response of isolated limp perfusion in patients with soft-tissue sarcomas

Machine learning and radiomics analysis of 18F-FDG PET/MR datasets for the prediction of therapy response of isolated limp perfusion in patients with soft-tissue sarcomas

08:00Johannes Grueneisen, Essen / DE

Paediatric small round blue cell tumours from head to toe

Paediatric small round blue cell tumours from head to toe

08:00Larissa Defendi, São Paulo / BR