RPS 1416 - Multicentric research in oncological imaging
Diagnostic value of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for the detection of clinically significant prostate cancer in a multi-reader study: preliminary results from the PI-CAI consortium
07:00Jasper Jonathan Twilt, Nijmegen / NL
Nationwide accuracy of CT for local staging of colon cancer
07:00Jona Shkurti, Amsterdam / NL
Improving prostate MR image quality using PI-QUAL: a multicentre analysis from the PRIME trial
07:00Francesco Giganti, London / UK
CT radiomic prognostic features in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in a prospective multicentre cohort: is there added value?
07:00Carolyn Horst, London / UK
CT radiomic predictors of PD-L1 status in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): external validation in a prospective multicentre cohort
07:00Thubeena Manickavasagar, London / UK
CT-based radiomics of colorectal liver metastases after chemotherapy: does it predict the tumour regression grade?
07:00Angela Ammirabile, Milan / IT
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