MS 7a - Multidisciplinary team for breast cancer


MS 7a_2 - Radiologist's perspective

MS 7a_2 - Radiologist's perspective

12:33Eugen Divjak, Zagreb / HR

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the role of different imaging modalities in detecting and characterising breast lesions precisely.
2. To understand the importance of needle biopsy and of pathologic "b-classification" in the management of women with breast cancer.
3. To understand the role of a multidisciplinary approach based on case presentation.

MS 7a_3 - Pathologist's perspective

MS 7a_3 - Pathologist's perspective

08:27Cedna Tomasovic-Loncaric, Zagreb / HR

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the advantages and deficiencies of pathological examination in the non-invasive diagnosis of breast lesions.
2. To understand the impact of the recommended standard surgical and radiological procedures on the accuracy of pathological diagnosis.
3. To understand the impact of good communication with radiologists and clinicians on the accuracy of pathological diagnosis.

MS 7a_4 - Surgeon's perspective

MS 7a_4 - Surgeon's perspective

09:49Rado Zic, Zagreb / HR

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about different surgical options in the treatment of breast cancer patients.
2. To understand the rationale behind current perioperative and adjuvant treatment approaches.
3. To understand the principles of individualised treatment according to the biology of breast cancer.

MS 7a_5 - Oncologist's perspective

MS 7a_5 - Oncologist's perspective

07:54Natalija Dedic Plavetic, Zagreb / HR

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the current medical treatment options and modalities.
2. To understand the indications for the neoadjuvant treatment approach and the appropriate modalities.
3. To understand the interactions of known predictive factors, current neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment options,
and prognosis within an interdisciplinary treatment concept.

MS 7a-1
Introduction by the moderator
MS 7a-2
Radiologist's perspective
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the role of different imaging modalities in detecting and characterising breast lesions precisely. 2. To understand the importance of needle biopsy and of pathologic "b-classification" in the management of women with breast cancer. 3. To understand the role of a multidisciplinary approach based on case presentation.
MS 7a-3
Pathologist's perspective
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the advantages and deficiencies of pathological examination in the non-invasive diagnosis of breast lesions. 2. To understand the impact of the recommended standard surgical and radiological procedures on the accuracy of pathological diagnosis. 3. To understand the impact of good communication with radiologists and clinicians on the accuracy of pathological diagnosis.
MS 7a-4
Surgeon's perspective
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about different surgical options in the treatment of breast cancer patients. 2. To understand the rationale behind current perioperative and adjuvant treatment approaches. 3. To understand the principles of individualised treatment according to the biology of breast cancer.
MS 7a-5
Oncologist's perspective
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the current medical treatment options and modalities. 2. To understand the indications for the neoadjuvant treatment approach and the appropriate modalities. 3. To understand the interactions of known predictive factors, current neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment options, and prognosis within an interdisciplinary treatment concept.
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