Voice of EPOS

VoE 128 - Musculoskeletal - Interventional radiology and miscellaneous


VoE 128 - Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency of Morton’s Neuroma

VoE 128 - Ultrasound-Guided Radiofrequency of Morton’s Neuroma

03:44F. García Martínez, Madrid / ES

VoE 128 - Sternal variations and anomalies in living individuals evaluated by MDCT: pictorial essay

VoE 128 - Sternal variations and anomalies in living individuals evaluated by MDCT: pictorial essay

04:17K. Vatzia, Larissa / GR

VoE 128 - Treatment of osteoid osteoma – is RFA the future of osteoid osteoma therapy?

VoE 128 - Treatment of osteoid osteoma – is RFA the future of osteoid osteoma therapy?

04:32J. Igrec, Graz / AT

VoE 128 - Pictorial review of gluteal lesions: From skin to bone

VoE 128 - Pictorial review of gluteal lesions: From skin to bone

05:33H. Lau, Pokfulam / HK

VoE 128 - Demonstration of the brachial plexus imaging with US and MRI

VoE 128 - Demonstration of the brachial plexus imaging with US and MRI

04:37V. Potočnik Tumpaj, Ljubljana / SI

VoE 128 - Prevalence and Magnetic Resonance characteristics of the Aberrant Anterior Tibial Artery

VoE 128 - Prevalence and Magnetic Resonance characteristics of the Aberrant Anterior Tibial Artery

04:26P. Rengifo Juárez, Lima / PE

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