E³ 418 - Non-neurological complications in intensive care patients


E³ 418_1 - A. The white chest and severe dyspnoea

E³ 418_1 - A. The white chest and severe dyspnoea

18:53Miroslav Herman, Olomouc / CZ

Learning Objectives
1. To understand the physiopathology of the severe respiratory complications in emergency and ICU scenarios.
2. To know when a computed tomography can be decisive.
3. To learn the differential diagnosis patterns for the imaging findings in chest x-ray and CT.

E³ 418_2 - B. Acute abdominal complications

E³ 418_2 - B. Acute abdominal complications

18:02Mariano Scaglione, Castel Volturno / IT

Learning Objectives
1. To become familiar with the most common requests: infection, bleeding, ischaemia, leakage, and obstruction.
2. To learn about the different imaging protocols (when to use intravenous and enteral contrast agent).
3. To learn the main imaging findings.

E³ 418_3 - C. Image-guided interventions in ICU patients

E³ 418_3 - C. Image-guided interventions in ICU patients

19:41Max Seidensticker, Munich / DE

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the role of emergency CT/US-guided intervention.
2. To learn about the optimal utilisation of materials, equipment, and imaging including low-dose CT.
3. To learn the management of patients after failed interventional treatments.

E³ 418-1
A. The white chest and severe dyspnoea
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the physiopathology of the severe respiratory complications in emergency and ICU scenarios. 2. To know when a computed tomography can be decisive. 3. To learn the differential diagnosis patterns for the imaging findings in chest x-ray and CT.
E³ 418-2
B. Acute abdominal complications
Learning Objectives
1. To become familiar with the most common requests: infection, bleeding, ischaemia, leakage, and obstruction. 2. To learn about the different imaging protocols (when to use intravenous and enteral contrast agent). 3. To learn the main imaging findings.
E³ 418-3
C. Image-guided interventions in ICU patients
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the role of emergency CT/US-guided intervention. 2. To learn about the optimal utilisation of materials, equipment, and imaging including low-dose CT. 3. To learn the management of patients after failed interventional treatments.

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