Special Focus Session

SF 18b - Patient engagement in breast imaging: a paradigm shift

March 1, 09:30 - 11:00 CET

10 min
Chairperson's introduction: centring practitioner-patient partnership in breast imaging services
Sophia Zackrisson, Malmö / Sweden
20 min
Empowering choices: shared and informed decision-making in breast imaging and beyond
Caroline Justich, Vienna / Austria
  1. To learn how to cultivate the madness of the moment of diagnosis to give it structure within the limited time to benefit all stakeholders and provide the basis for shared decision-making.
  2. To understand why breast radiologists have a major role and responsibility in transmitting information to patients and optimising the process with the right tools, and implementing digital solutions.
  3. To appreciate the window of opportunity for radiologists to take over the important role in the shifting medical world to overcome the challenges and needs of the next generation of patients.
20 min
Comfort and care: valuing patient experience in breast imaging procedures
Rodrigo Alcantara Souza, Barcelona / Spain
  1. To appreciate strategies for enhancing patient comfort and reducing anxiety before, during and after procedures.
  2. To learn about the latest pain management techniques for breast imaging and interventions to minimise patient discomfort.
  3. To understand how patient-reported experience measures (PREMs) and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) can be used to gain valuable insights into patients' experiences throughout the diagnostic and intervention journey.
20 min
From pixels to patients: leveraging social media for enhanced engagement and radiologist outreach
Myriam Montes Montés Fernández, Madrid / Spain
  1. To understand how social media can be our social stethoscope to diagnose the doubts and needs of our patients.
  2. To demonstrate the usefulness and impact of social media in: 1) Providing the population with scientific evidence translated into colloquial language. 2) To counteract the dissemination of false myths and fake news about breast radiology.
  3. To acknowledge why social media can be a powerful tool that allows breast radiologists to get closer to our patients, improving our communication and interaction.
20 min
Panel discussion: Building a person-centred culture in breast imaging: are we on the pathway?