Refresher Course: Genitourinary

RC 207 - PET or not to PET: molecular imaging for the workup of GU malignancy

February 26, 10:00 - 11:00 CET

4 min
Chairperson's introduction
Vladimir Cerny, Praha 2 / Czechia
12 min
Technical aspects and specificities of PET for the workup of GU malignancy
Ana Geão, Montijo / Portugal
  1. To explain how PET imaging helps in staging the disease and planning appropriate treatment strategies.
  2. To illustrate the use of PET for monitoring the effectiveness of treatments and detecting recurrences.
  3. To highlight the role of PET in the ongoing surveillance of patients and early detection of cancer recurrence.
12 min
Value of PET in ovarian cancer
  1. To explain how PET imaging helps in staging the disease and planning appropriate treatment strategies.
  2. To illustrate the use of PET for monitoring the effectiveness of treatments and detecting recurrences.
  3. To highlight the role of PET in the ongoing surveillance of patients and early detection of cancer recurrence.
12 min
Value of PET in endometrial cancer and cervical cancer
Ingfrid H. Salvesen Haldorsen, Oslo / Norway
  1. To explain how PET imaging helps in staging the disease and planning appropriate treatment strategies.
  2. To illustrate the use of PET for monitoring the effectiveness of treatments and detecting recurrences.
  3. To highlight the role of PET in the ongoing surveillance of patients and early detection of cancer recurrence.
12 min
Value of PSMA PET in prostate cancer
Macarena Rodriguez-Fraile, Pamplona / Spain
  1. To discuss how PET improves the localisation of primary and metastatic prostate tumours.
  2. To illustrate the prognostic value of PET in assessing the aggressiveness of prostate cancer and predicting outcomes.
  3. To highlight the role of PET in the ongoing surveillance of patients and early detection of cancer recurrence.
8 min
Panel discussion: What is the future of PET imaging and its integration with MRI?