Research Presentation Session: Chest

RPS 2504 - Pleural disorders


RPS 2504-1 - Introduction

RPS 2504-1 - Introduction

00:46Ivan Vollmer.mp4

RPS 2504-2 - Ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle biopsy of pleural and peripheral lung lesion- comparison with computed tomography guided biopsy

RPS 2504-2 - Ultrasound-guided percutaneous needle biopsy of pleural and peripheral lung lesion- comparison with computed tomography guided biopsy

10:25Binoy Choudhury.mp4

RPS 2504-3 - Artificial intelligence-driven pleural plaque segmentation and volume correlation to lung function

RPS 2504-3 - Artificial intelligence-driven pleural plaque segmentation and volume correlation to lung function

09:30Kevin Groot Lipman.mp4

RPS 2504-4 - Development and validation of CT-based radiomics nomogram for prognostic prediction in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma

RPS 2504-4 - Development and validation of CT-based radiomics nomogram for prognostic prediction in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma

05:35Xie Xiaojie.mp4

RPS 2504-5 - Training and validation of DL algorithms for the detection of pneumothorax based on data from a competition in diagnostic imaging

RPS 2504-5 - Training and validation of DL algorithms for the detection of pneumothorax based on data from a competition in diagnostic imaging

07:25Maurice Henkel.mp4

RPS 2504-7 - Imaging IRAE-pericardial effusion on chest CT- clinical and radiologic manifestations and implications for management

RPS 2504-7 - Imaging IRAE-pericardial effusion on chest CT- clinical and radiologic manifestations and implications for management

08:22Kathleen Capaccione.mp4