Hands-on Workshop: EFRS Workshops

HW 6R - Practical dose management in computed tomography

February 28, 16:30 - 17:30 CET

Registered participants are requested to arrive at the workshop room 20 minutes before the scheduled start of the session to complete their check-in.

We would like to thank our workshop sponsors. For more information click here.

Please note we will be utilising equipment from certain vendors during the workshop sessions; however, a wide range of alternative options from other vendors is also available.

In this session the participants will be able:
1. To describe best practices, tips and tricks for reducing contrast media dose and radiation exposure in CT using computer software.
2. To demonstrate and apply best practices, tips and tricks for reducing contrast media dose and radiation exposure in CT using computer software.

30 min
Reducing CT radiation dose using dose management software: presentation, live software demonstration and Q&A
Michiel Heynderickx, Sint-Niklaas / Belgium
30 min
Software opportunities for optimising CT contrast media dose: presentation, live software demonstration, and Q&A
Cristian Colmo, Padova / Italy