Joint Session of the ESR and ESTRO

ESR/ESTRO - Quantification of functional MRI parameters: new opportunities in radiotherapy?


Chairpersons' introduction

Chairpersons' introduction

05:00Andrea Grace Rockall, Godalming / UK, Daniela Thorwarth, Tübingen / DE

Functional MRI: introduction and applications in radiotherapy

Functional MRI: introduction and applications in radiotherapy

18:00Faisal Mahmood, Odense / DK

Functional MRI of the brain: individual connectomics and abnormality detection

Functional MRI of the brain: individual connectomics and abnormality detection

18:00Sophia Stöcklein, Munich / DE

Novel techniques for quantitative parameter estimation in moving targets

Novel techniques for quantitative parameter estimation in moving targets

18:00Petra J van Houdt, Amsterdam / NL

Panel discussion

Panel discussion

13:00Panel discussion

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