E³ - Advanced Courses

E³ 422 - Radiomics: principles and applications


E³ 422 - A. Radiomics: images are data!

E³ 422 - A. Radiomics: images are data!

22:47G. Cicchetti, Rome / Italy

Learning Objectives
1. To understand the design of a pipeline to develop a radiomics signature.
2. To learn about the current state of the art in radiomics.
3. To learn about the impact of radiomics for precision medicine.

E³ 422 - B. Radiomics applications

E³ 422 - B. Radiomics applications

15:15T. Penzkofer, Berlin / Germany

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about the state of the art of radiomics in prostate cancer.
2. To learn about the state of the art of radiomics in gliomas.
3. To learn about other promising application areas of radiomics.

E³ 422 - C. Multicentre studies for more robust radiomics signatures

E³ 422 - C. Multicentre studies for more robust radiomics signatures

13:56M. Starmans, Rotterdam / Netherlands

Learning Objectives
1. To introduce a framework for the rapid development of radiomics signatures.
2. To explain how the parameters of a radiomics pipeline can be automatically optimised.
3. To show the performance of the framework for a number of applications.

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