E³ - Advanced Courses: The Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) - Jointly organised by the ESR and ESSO

E³ 1019e - Response evaluation in breast cancer treatment: a multidisciplinary approach


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

02:00Paola Clauser, Vienna / AT

Assessment after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC): what the surgeon needs to know

Assessment after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC): what the surgeon needs to know

15:00Isabel T. Rubio, Madrid / ES

Ultrasound, contrast-enhanced mammography, and MRI after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: rivals or allies?

Ultrasound, contrast-enhanced mammography, and MRI after neoadjuvant chemotherapy: rivals or allies?

15:00Marc B.I. Lobbes, Maastricht / NL

Early prediction of response to treatment: current evidence and future perspectives

Early prediction of response to treatment: current evidence and future perspectives

15:00Heike Preibsch, Tübingen / DE

Case based panel discussions: evaluation of breast cancer response
to therapy, which is the best way?

Case based panel discussions: evaluation of breast cancer response to therapy, which is the best way?

43:00Paola Clauser, Vienna / AT