Professional Challenges Session

PC 20 - Strategic leadership in a changing world: navigating change, innovation and sustainability

March 1, 14:00 - 15:30 CET

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Regina G. H. Beets-Tan, Amsterdam / Netherlands
15 min
Encouraging and supporting innovation in radiology
Valérie Vilgrain, Clichy / France
  1. To appreciate the importance of innovation in advancing radiology practice.
  2. To learn how to create a culture of innovation within radiology departments and institutions.
  3. To understand strategies for identifying, nurturing, and implementing innovative ideas in radiology.
15 min
Training the leaders of the future in radiology
Carlo Catalano, Rome / Italy
  1. To recognise the need for leadership development within the radiology profession and understand how mentorship and leadership programmes can cultivate emerging leaders.
  2. To learn about essential leadership skills and competencies for future radiology leaders.
  3. To know how to leverage continuing education and professional development opportunities for aspiring radiology leaders.
15 min
Social responsibility in radiology leadership: contributing to a healthier planet and society
Andrea Grace Rockall, Godalming / United Kingdom
  1. To gain insights into how to incorporate sustainable practices and principles that lead to innovation and organisational success.
  2. To understand the importance of collaboration with industry partners and stakeholders to develop sustainable healthcare solutions.
  3. To know how to leverage technology and digital solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce waste and improve patient outcomes.
15 min
Managerial mechanisms to embed sustainability in service organisations
Giovanni-Battista Derchi, Lausanne / Switzerland
  1. To understand organisations' need for sustainable management practices.
  2. To learn about the managerial complexity associated with integrating sustainability aspects in decision-making and organisational processes.
  3. To learn about the main management practices to implement a sustainability strategy effectively.
25 min
Panel discussion: How can strategic leadership create a culture of innovation and drive positive environmental and societal impact while navigating change?