S 4 - A nomogram strategy for identifying the subclassification of IDH1 mutation and ATRX expression loss in in low-grade gliomas
04:50S. Wu, Shanghai / China
S 4 - Advantage of 3D over 2D dense neural network architecture for the MRI-based classification of focal liver lesions
04:58R. Stollmayer, Budapest / Hungary
S 4 - Deep convolutional neural network for predicting kidney tumour malignancy
04:52A. Obuchowski, Gdańsk / Poland
S 4 - Teaching ultrasound-guided peripheral venous catheter placement through immersive virtual reality: an explorative pilot study
04:14N. Andersen, Odense / Denmark
S 4 - The status of diversity in canadian radiology: where we stand and what can we do about it
05:26K. Lebel, Sherbrooke, QC / Canada
S 4 - Evaluation of dysphagia in patients with head and neck cancer after treatment by real-time magnetic resonance imaging based on compressed sensing
04:21Guo Xiaobin, Kunming / China
S 4 - Infrapopliteal endovascular intervention and the angiosome concept: intra-operative real-time assessment of foot regions blood volume guides and improves direct revascularisation
04:57J. Ma, Beijing / China
S 4 - Linear mixed-effects models for estimation of pulmonary metastasis growth rate: implications for CT surveillance in patients with sarcoma
04:56U. Isidro, Philadelphia, PA / United States
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