RC 307 - The retroperitoneal "non-renal" mass


RC 307_1 - A. Imaging primary retroperitoneal tumours

RC 307_1 - A. Imaging primary retroperitoneal tumours

29:45G. Heinz-Peer, St. Pölten / AT

Learning Objectives
1. To know the imaging findings that allow recognising a mass as retroperitoneal.
2. To understand how to differentiate among different retroperitoneal tumours.
3. To be able to provide guidance to the surgical approach of these lesions.

RC 307_2 - B. The "functioning" adrenal mass

RC 307_2 - B. The "functioning" adrenal mass

20:07Andrzej Cieszanowski, Warsaw / PL

Learning Objectives
1. To understand the role of radiology in patients with "functioning" adrenal tumours.
2. To know how to look for small/difficult to see "functioning" lesions.
3. To know how to provide guidance to the surgeon who is planning a minimally invasive surgical approach.

RC 307_3 - C. "Non-neoplastic" retroperitoneal diseases

RC 307_3 - C. "Non-neoplastic" retroperitoneal diseases

16:34Mariano Scaglione, Castel Volturno / IT

Learning Objectives
1. To know the imaging features of retroperitoneal abscesses and haematomas.
2. To understand the role of imaging in patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis.
3. To understand how radiology can help planning management of these lesions.

RC 307-1
A. Imaging primary retroperitoneal tumours
Learning Objectives
1. To know the imaging findings that allow recognising a mass as retroperitoneal. 2. To understand how to differentiate among different retroperitoneal tumours. 3. To be able to provide guidance to the surgical approach of these lesions.
RC 307-2
B. The "functioning" adrenal mass
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the role of radiology in patients with "functioning" adrenal tumours. 2. To know how to look for small/difficult to see "functioning" lesions. 3. To know how to provide guidance to the surgeon who is planning a minimally invasive surgical approach.
RC 307-3
C. "Non-neoplastic" retroperitoneal diseases
Learning Objectives
1. To know the imaging features of retroperitoneal abscesses and haematomas. 2. To understand the role of imaging in patients with retroperitoneal fibrosis. 3. To understand how radiology can help planning management of these lesions.

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