E³ - The Beauty of Basic Knowledge: Sports Injuries

E³ 24D - Upper limb injury patterns in the athlete


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

03:00Alberto S. Vieira, Porto / PT

Patterns of shoulder injury in overhead athletes

Patterns of shoulder injury in overhead athletes

15:00Klaus Woertler, Munich / DE

A sports injury I learned from

A sports injury I learned from

04:00Klaus Woertler, Munich / DE

Patterns of wrist injury in tennis and golf

Patterns of wrist injury in tennis and golf

15:00Andrea B. Rosskopf, Zurich / CH

Patterns of ligament injury at the elbow: what to look for

Patterns of ligament injury at the elbow: what to look for

15:00Andrew J Grainger, Cambridge / UK

A sports injury I learned from

A sports injury I learned from

04:00Andrew J Grainger, Cambridge / UK

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