New Horizons Session

NH 1 - Visualising obesity: the new epidemic


NH 1 - Brain alterations

NH 1 - Brain alterations

06:34A. van Opstal, Leiden / NL

Learning Objectives
1. To review the state-of-the-art neuroimaging research for alterations of eating behaviours in obesity and relation to emotions.
2. To describe grey and white matter alterations in obesity.
3. To assess neuroinflammation in obesity by DTI.
4. To try to define how bariatric surgery can reverse obese related effects in the brain.

NH 1 - Thoracic CT in obesity

NH 1 - Thoracic CT in obesity

08:28S. Copley, London / UK

Learning Objectives
1. To establish a strategy for improving quality imaging of chest plain films and chest CT.
2. To identify chest CT imaging biomarkers with prognostic implications.
3. To show the correlation between obesity and mosaic attenuation, end respiratory air trapping and tracheal shape.
4. To determine reversibility of signs of airway inflammation after bariatric surgery. Lung CT as a marker of clinical improvement.

NH 1 - Cardiovascular imaging

NH 1 - Cardiovascular imaging

08:12R. Vliegenthart, Groningen / NL

Learning Objectives
1. To achieve technical optimisation of CT cardiovascular studies in obese population.
2. To provide a strategy for optimising contrast injection (total amount and rate) and improve vessel conspicuity.
3. To review the association of obesity with coronary disease, hypertension, atrial fibrilation and heart failure.
4. To be aware of the obesity paradox.

NH 1 - Fatty liver and beyond

NH 1 - Fatty liver and beyond

08:04F. Vernuccio, Palermo / IT

Learning Objectives
1. To learn about liver function capacity in obesity.
2. To learn what NAFLD is and why it is clinically important.
3. To assess the feasibility of non-invasive monitorisation of fat after bariatric surgery.
4. To become familiar with the quantification of liver fat with MRI and proton density fat fraction (PDFF).

NH 1-1
8 min
Fat distribution and risk
Ilan Shelef, Beer-Sheva / Israel
Learning Objectives
1. To review the different methods for measuring body fat.
2. To identify high risk obesity phenotypes.
3. To recognise how distribution of fat affects imaging acquisition.
4. To provide strategies for better quality imaging based on fat distribution.
NH 1-2
8 min
Brain alterations
Jeroen van der Grond, Leiden / Netherlands
Learning Objectives
1. To review the state-of-the-art neuroimaging research for alterations of eating behaviours in obesity and relation to emotions.
2. To describe grey and white matter alterations in obesity.
3. To assess neuroinflammation in obesity by DTI.
4. To try to define how bariatric surgery can reverse obese related effects in the brain.
NH 1-3
8 min
Thoracic CT in obesity
Susan Copley, London / United Kingdom
Learning Objectives
1. To establish a strategy for improving quality imaging of chest plain films and chest CT.
2. To identify chest CT imaging biomarkers with prognostic implications.
3. To show the correlation between obesity and mosaic attenuation, end respiratory air trapping and tracheal shape.
4. To determine reversibility of signs of airway inflammation after bariatric surgery. Lung CT as a marker of clinical improvement.
NH 1-4
8 min
Cardiovascular imaging
Rozemarijn Vliegenthart, Groningen / Netherlands
Learning Objectives
1. To achieve technical optimisation of CT cardiovascular studies in obese population.
2. To provide a strategy for optimising contrast injection (total amount and rate) and improve vessel conspicuity.
3. To review the association of obesity with coronary disease, hypertension, atrial fibrilation and heart failure.
4. To be aware of the obesity paradox.
NH 1-5
8 min
Fatty liver and beyond
Federica Vernuccio, Padova / Italy
Learning Objectives
1. To learn about liver function capacity in obesity.
2. To learn what NAFLD is and why it is clinically important.
3. To assess the feasibility of non-invasive monitorisation of fat after bariatric surgery.
4. To become familiar with the quantification of liver fat with MRI and proton density fat fraction (PDFF).
15 min
Live Q&A: What do you think should be the role of radiology in the obesity epidemic? Should we lead the pursuit to universal access to adequate diagnostic imaging techniques for the obese population?

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