Professional Challenges Session

PC 18 - Workforce planning and how to solve the workforce challenge in radiology: The European Union radiation, education, staffing and training (EU-REST) study

March 1, 09:30 - 11:00 CET

3 min
Chairperson's introduction
13 min
EU-REST study: European Commission's view
  1. To learn about the European Commission's activities on workforce, education and training.
  2. To appreciate the importance of European action on workforce, education and training.
  3. To understand the scope of the EU-REST study and its role in the SAMIRA action plan.
13 min
Data collection and analysis on workforce availability, education and training needs to ensure quality and safety aspects of medical applications involving ionising radiation
  1. To learn about existing models for evaluating workforce needs.
  2. To appreciate the variation among European countries in educational and training standards.
  3. To understand the need for uniform standards of staffing levels, education and training.
13 min
Possible approaches to estimate and calculate workforce numbers
  1. To learn approaches to calculate workforce numbers based on population numbers, workload, equipment availability and beds.
  2. To appreciate the shortages of calculations used so far.
  3. To understand the need to promote a novel approach to estimate workforce needs.
13 min
EU-REST-proposed method to calculate radiography workforce
  1. To learn about the radiography workforce distribution across Europe.
  2. To appreciate the impact of radiography shortage in medical imaging departments.
  3. To understand the need to define radiography metrics to estimate workforce needs.
20 min
ESR's proposed method to calculate radiology workforce
  1. To learn about the strengths and weaknesses of existing approaches to radiology workforce calculation.
  2. To appreciate the idea of a simplified approach to workforce calculation to facilitate broader applicability among European countries.
  3. To understand the ESR proposed method for workforce calculation and its supporting concept.
15 min
Panel discussion: Is the ESR's proposed method applicable in practice in European radiology departments