Imaging in children: augmenting accuracy and reducing risk

RPS 2612-2 8 min Pharmacokinetics, safety and efficacy of a new gadolinium-based contrast agent, gadopiclenol, in paediatric patients (2-17 years) undergoing MRI Silvia Tsvetkova, Plovdiv / Bulgaria Author Block: S. B. Tsvetkova; Plovdiv/BGPurpose: To evaluate the...

Advances in hepatobiliary imaging

RPS 2601-2 8 min Hepatocellular Adenomas: Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MR imaging features based on 2017 classification system Justin Tse, Stanford / United States Author Block: J. R. Tse1, E. Felker2, B. Naini2, D. Lu2, S. Raman2; 1Stanford/US, 2Los Angeles, CA/USPurpose: To...

Lung nodules

RPS 2604-2 8 min Prediction of invasive adenocarcinomas manifesting as pure ground-glass nodules based on radiomic signature of low-dose CT in lung cancer screening Yong Li, Chengdu / China   Author Block: J. Liu, Y. Li, X. Yang, P. Zhou; Chengdu/CN Purpose or...

Cervical and cranial vascular imaging

RPS 2615-3 8 min Relaxation-enhanced angiography without contrast and triggering (REACT) for the assessment of carotid artery stenosis in acute ischaemic stroke Lenhard Pennig, Cologne / Germany   Author Block: U. C. I. Hoyer1, S. Lennartz1, N. Abdullayev1, F....