Advancing radiographic practice and training needs

RPS 1614-3 8 min Role expansion in ultrasound: radiographers in European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) countries Barbara Kraus, Wolkersdorf / Austria   Author Block: G. Harrison1, M. R. V. Pedersen2, B. Kraus3, R. Martins Dos Santos4; 1London/UK,...

The post-COVID lung

RPS 1604-2 8 min Quantitative chest CT analysis to measure short-term sequelae of COVID-19 pneumonia: a monocentric prospective study Angela Ammirabile, Rozzano / Italy Author Block: E. Lanza1, A. Ammirabile2, M. Casana1, D. Pocaterra1, F. M. P. Tordato1, C. Lisi2, G....

How to improve your abdominal imaging protocols?

RPS 1601-2 8 min Low-dose CT of the abdomen: initial experience on a novel photon-counting detector CT and comparison with energy-integrating detector CT Josua Decker, Augsburg / Germany   Author Block: J. A. Decker, S. Bette, N. Lubina, K. Rippel, F. Braun, F....