Photon counting and dual-energy CT

RPS 1013-2 8 min Phantom imaging evaluations of a prototype full-size photon counting CT system at clinical dose levels Xiaohui Zhan, Vernon Hills / United States Author Block: X. Zhan, R. Zhang, X. Niu, B. Budden, I. Hein, S. Wu, Y. Qiang, Z. Yu, R. Thompson; Vernon...

New developments in MR imaging of primary liver tumours

RPS 801-3 8 min Preoperatively, clinical classification of patients with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma may guide personalised management and improve prognosis Qian Li, Chengdu / China   Author Block: Q. Li, Y. Wei, B. Song; Chengdu/CN Purpose: Intrahepatic...

New techniques in neuro imaging

RPS 811-2 8 min A quantitative imaging study of amide proton transfer-weighted imaging in diabetes-associated cognitive dysfunction of type 2 diabetes mellitus Wei Shao, Kunming / China Author Block: W. J. Shao, S. Xiang, J. Fang, W. Su, Y. Yang, Y. Xiong, J. Li;...

Lower extremity

RPS 810-2 8 min Deep learning based fully automated 3D models of hip labrum based on MR arthrography are feasible and allow detection of differences in labrum volume among different hip deformities Florian Schmaranzer, Bern / Switzerland Author Block: F. Schmaranzer1,...