Radiogenomics of renal cell carcinoma: using MRI tumor features to predict mir-15a expression
Author Block: Y. Mytsyk1, P. Kowal2, Y. Kobilnyk3, I. Dutka1, I. Komnatska1, A. Górecki4; 1Lviv/UA, 2Wroclaw/PL, 3Przemyśl/PL, 4Przeworsk/PL
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of MRI tumor parameters in predicting tissue expression of miR-15a in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients.
Methods or Background: The study involved 64 patients with histologically confirmed conventional RCC, where miR-15a expression was measured, and preoperative contrast-enhanced MRI (1.5 T) was performed. MiR-15a expression was determined using reverse transcription and real-time PCR. A polynomial regression model assessed associations between miR-15a expression and radiological tumor parameters, with accuracy evaluated by the Fisher method (adjusted R²).
Results or Findings: It was found that radiological features of the cystic component, exophytic growth, necrosis, macroscopic fat, and nodular contrast enhancement of the tumor were observed in 29.69%, 23.44%, 32.81%, 20.31%, and 37.5% of patients, respectively. The mean levels of miR-15a expression in the presence of these features were 0.35±1.02 U, 0.34±1.09 U, 4.01±3.42 U, 0.29±0.87 U, and 2.91±3.24 U, respectively. In the absence of these features, the mean expression of miR-15a was 2.01±2.93 U, 1.88±2.85 U, 0.82±1.85 U, 1.83±2.83 U, and 0.68±1.72 U, respectively (p<0.05). The highest miR-15a expression levels were observed with necrosis, and the lowest with macroscopic fat (p<0.05). Tumor size strongly correlated with miR-15a expression (r=0.724; p<0.001). Tumor size alone predicted miR-15a expression with an adjusted R² of 0.8281, and combining tumor size with other radiological features predicted 85% of miR-15a expression (R²=0.8336; p<0.001). The study developed a predictive formula for miR-15a expression based on RCC radiological features.
Conclusion: The findings suggest that MRI parameters can accurately predict miR-15a expression, which holds diagnostic and prognostic value in RCC.
Limitations: The main limitation was the inclusion of only conventional RCC.
Funding for this study: No funding.
Has your study been approved by an ethics committee? Yes
Ethics committee - additional information: The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (protocol No. 5 dated May 25, 2021). The work was conducted in accordance with accepted standards for conducting research in the field of biology and medicine, based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization, the International Council of Medical Scientific Societies, the International Code of Medical Ethics (1983), the Helsinki Declaration adopted by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association, the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe (1997), and the requirements and standards of ICH GCP (2002). In each specific case, patients or responsible individuals provided written consent for the surgical intervention.