Research Presentation Sessions: Breast

RPS 702 - New technologies in breast imaging

  • ECR 2022
  • 7 Lectures
  • 60 Minutes
  • 7 Speakers


Towards a disruptive innovation in breast imaging? Initial experience with a next-generation low-field MRI scanner

Towards a disruptive innovation in breast imaging? Initial experience with a next-generation low-field MRI scanner

08:00Matthias Dietzel, Erlangen / DE

Quantification of contrast enhancement of breast cancer in direct converting, photon-counting spiral breast CT: immunohistochemical subtypes and grading

Quantification of contrast enhancement of breast cancer in direct converting, photon-counting spiral breast CT: immunohistochemical subtypes and grading

08:00Sabine Ohlmeyer, Erlangen / DE

SOLUS - smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer:  US / DOT hybrid system for the characterisation of breast lesions

SOLUS - smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer: US / DOT hybrid system for the characterisation of breast lesions

08:00Elena Venturini, Milan / IT

Preliminary evaluation of an optical mammography system for monitoring response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients

Preliminary evaluation of an optical mammography system for monitoring response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer patients

08:00Carolina Santangelo, Milano / IT

Correlation of quantitative CT-data derived from multiparametric dual-layer spectral CT-maps with molecular biomarkers in patients with invasive breast carcinomas

Correlation of quantitative CT-data derived from multiparametric dual-layer spectral CT-maps with molecular biomarkers in patients with invasive breast carcinomas

08:00Kathrin Krug, Cologne / DE

Introduction by the moderator

Introduction by the moderator

04:00Matthias Dietzel, Erlangen / DE


  • Matthias Dietzel

    Erlangen / Germany


  • Tian He

    Shanghai / China
  • Matthias Dietzel

    Erlangen / Germany
  • Sabine Ohlmeyer

    Erlangen / Germany
  • Noam Nissan

    Ramat Gan / Israel
  • Elena Venturini

    Milan / Italy
  • Carolina Santangelo

    Milano / Italy
  • Kathrin Barbara Krug

    Cologne / Germany