Refresher Course: Breast

RC 1102 - Personalised breast cancer screening: where do we stand today?


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Sophia Zackrisson, Malmö / SE

Risk assessment models

Risk assessment models

15:00Fiona J. Gilbert, Cambridge / UK

Personalised screening in intermediate risk

Personalised screening in intermediate risk

15:00Athina Vourtsis, Athens / GR

Personalised screening in high-risk women

Personalised screening in high-risk women

15:00Pascal A.T. Baltzer, Vienna / AT

Panel discussion: Feasibility and acceptability of personalised breast cancer screening into clinical practice

Panel discussion: Feasibility and acceptability of personalised breast cancer screening into clinical practice

10:00Panel discussion: Feasibility and acceptability of personalised breast cancer screening into clinical practice

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Sophia Zackrisson, Malmö / Sweden
15 min
Risk assessment models
Fiona J. Gilbert, Cambridge / United Kingdom
1. To provide an update on the existing individualised risk models.
2. To understand the variables used to calculate the risk, which indicates screening recommendation and frequency.
3. To understand how deep learning aids in breast cancer risk assessment.
15 min
Personalised screening in intermediate risk
Athina Vourtsis, Athens / Greece
1. To understand which group of women are considered at intermediate risk and to review the current screening recommendations for these women.
2. To appreciate the outcomes and controversies of implementing personalised breast cancer screening.
3. To present emerging methods and future vision for personalised breast cancer screening.
15 min
Personalised screening in high-risk women
Pascal A.T. Baltzer, Vienna / Austria
1. To understand how to identify women that are considered at high-risk for developing breast cancer.
2. To analyse the different screening guidelines used for the early detection of breast cancer in women at high risk.
3. To learn about the benefits of breast MRI and to adapt the available screening strategies in different scenarios.
10 min
Panel discussion: Feasibility and acceptability of personalised breast cancer screening into clinical practice

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