Refresher Course: Head and Neck

RC 308 - Imaging Menière disease


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Bert De Foer, Antwerp / BE

Basics of Menière's imaging: when and how to do it

Basics of Menière's imaging: when and how to do it

15:00Steve Connor, London / UK

Imaging of Menière disease: how to read it

Imaging of Menière disease: how to read it

15:00Anja Bernaerts, Antwerp / BE

Imaging of secondary hydrops and non-hydropic temporal bone diseases

Imaging of secondary hydrops and non-hydropic temporal bone diseases

15:00Anne Renée Juliette Péporté, Frauenfeld / CH

Panel discussion: Recommendations for the radiological routine

Panel discussion: Recommendations for the radiological routine

10:00Panel discussion: Recommendations for the radiological routine

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Bert De Foer, Antwerp / Belgium
15 min
Basics of Menière's imaging: when and how to do it
Steve Connor, London / United Kingdom
1. To present the challenges in Menière's diagnosis and to discuss current clinical indications for Menière's imaging.
2. To review anatomy and imaging appearance of endolymphatic and perilymphatic spaces.
3. To discuss available methods of Menière's imaging.
15 min
Imaging of Menière disease: how to read it
Anja Bernaerts, Antwerp / Belgium
1. To present imaging findings of Menière's disease.
2. To define current classification systems/basic grading of endolymphatic hydrops.
3. To highlight implications for treatment and follow-up.
15 min
Imaging of secondary hydrops and non-hydropic temporal bone diseases
Anne Renée Juliette Péporté, Frauenfeld / Switzerland
1. To explain the differences between primary and secondary hydropic ear disease.
2. To understand the specificities of the most common aetiologies of secondary hydropic ear disease.
3. To highlight other temporal bone pathologies that might be detected on hydrops imaging.
10 min
Panel discussion: Recommendations for the radiological routine

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