E³ - Advanced Course: Interactive Teaching Session for Young (and not so Young) Radiologists

E³ 1121b - Imaging of head and neck: focus on salivary glands and eye


Salivary glands

Salivary glands

45:00Minerva Becker, Geneva / CH

Eye and orbit

Eye and orbit

45:00Katharina Erb-Eigner, Berlin / DE

45 min
Salivary glands
Minerva Becker, Geneva / Switzerland
1. To become familiar with the appropriate imaging studies and radiological anatomy of the salivary glands.
2. To illustrate the spectrum of imaging findings.
3. To learn how to avoid interpretation pitfalls on CT, US, and MRI.
45 min
Eye and orbit
Katharina Erb-Eigner, Berlin / Germany
1. To become familiar with the appropriate imaging studies and radiological anatomy of the eye and orbit.
2. To illustrate the spectrum of imaging findings in neoplastic and non-tumour diseases.
3. To learn how to avoid interpretation pitfalls on CT, US, and MRI.

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