Refresher Course: Abdominal and Gastrointestinal

RC 2001 - Cholangitis or cholangiocarcinoma: how to distinguish inflammation from a tumour?


Chairperson's introduction

Chairperson's introduction

05:00Ahmed Ba-Ssalamah, Vienna / AT

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

Primary sclerosing cholangitis

15:00Nikolaos Kartalis, Stockholm / SE

IgG4 cholangitis

IgG4 cholangitis

15:00Martina Gilda Pezzullo, Brussels / BE



15:00Roberto Cannella, Palermo / IT

Panel discussion: Mistakes I've made and what I learnt from them

Panel discussion: Mistakes I've made and what I learnt from them

10:00Panel discussion: Mistakes I've made and what I learnt from them

5 min
Chairperson's introduction
Ahmed Ba-Ssalamah, Vienna / Austria
15 min
Primary sclerosing cholangitis
Nikolaos Kartalis, Stockholm / Sweden
1. To be able to list the features of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) on MRI and MRCP.
2. To know the various stricture definitions and their clinical relevance.
3. To describe MRI protocol for surveillance
15 min
IgG4 cholangitis
Martina Gilda Pezzullo, Brussels / Belgium
1. To be able to list the features of IgG4-SC on MRI and MRCP.
2. To learn about the differential diagnosis of IgG4-SC.
3. To demonstrate how to differentiate between IgG4-SC and Cholangiocarcinoma.
15 min
Roberto Cannella, Palermo / Italy
1. To become familiar with the spectrum of imaging features of cholangiocarcinoma.
2. To learn about the new WHO classification of cholangiocarcinoma.
3. To describe challenging issues in preoperative staging workup.
10 min
Panel discussion: Mistakes I've made and what I learnt from them

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