Are we ready for novel radionuclides in nuclear medicine in Europe: PRISMAP survey perspective
Author Block: M. Radzina1, L. Saule1, E. Mamis1, E. Pajuste1, T. E. Coccolios2, T. Stora3; 1Riga/LV, 2Brussels/BE, 3Geneva/CH
Purpose: The study aimed to understand the current status and future perspectives of novel radionuclides in Europe, through a survey. In order to support the ongoing research across Europe and to facilitate access to novel radionuclides, the PRISMAP consortium (European medical radionuclides programme) was established.
Methods or Background: A consortium questionnaire was disseminated among 30 countries. We received 114 respondents through the PRISMAP consortium and user community, professional associations and preclinical/clinical end users in Europe and the current status of clinical end users in nuclear medicine was identified.
Results or Findings: A total of 40 preclinical/clinical users institutions took part in the survey. Clinical end users currently use the following radionuclides in their studies: 177 Lu, 68 Ga, 111 In, 90 Y, other alpha emitters, 225 Ac, 64 Cu, and Terbium isotopes. Radionuclides that would be of interest for users within the next 2 to 5 years are 64 Cu, Terbium radionuclide “family” and alpha emitters, such as 225 Ac. Active industry involvement in joint outreach activities will provide access to new radionuclides and new purity grades for medical research. This will enhance clarity and regulatory procedures to foster research with radiopharmaceuticals and improve the delivered radionuclide data and regulation, along with biomedical research capacity.
Conclusion: The current perspective shows that nuclear medicine specialists/clinical end users from broad parts of Europe are not only interested in new radionuclides for diagnostics, but also in therapy and technology advancements that confirm their interest in development. This study was preliminary and should be extended outside the PRISMAP consortium.
Limitations: Not all European countries were covered - the majority of responses came from Western Europe, most notably the Benelux, France and Italy. More emphasis is needed to reach respondents from South-Eastern Europe.
Funding for this study: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101008571 (PRISMAP). This document reflects only the view of the author(s). The funding agenc(y/ies) is/are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Has your study been approved by an ethics committee? Not applicable
Ethics committee - additional information: Not applicable.