Voice of EPOS

VoE 110 - Abdominal Viscera - Emergency radiology

  • ECR 2020
  • 4 Lectures
  • 22 Minutes
  • 4 Speakers


VoE 110 - Mesenteric ischemia: Correlation between CT signs and patient outcomes

VoE 110 - Mesenteric ischemia: Correlation between CT signs and patient outcomes

04:44C. Atienza Sentamans, Santa Cruz de Tenerife / ES

VoE 110 - Do you know Wunderlich?, A dangerous stranger

VoE 110 - Do you know Wunderlich?, A dangerous stranger

04:48D. vargas flores, Buenos Aires / AR

VoE 110 - Multidetector CT of Blunt Abdominal Trauma.

VoE 110 - Multidetector CT of Blunt Abdominal Trauma.

06:37M. Taktak, Nabeul / TN

VoE 110 - Fever and pain in the right iliac fossa : What the radiologist needs to know

VoE 110 - Fever and pain in the right iliac fossa : What the radiologist needs to know

06:03W. Ben Mansoura, Ben Arous / TN

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This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.


  • Carla Atienza Sentamans

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife / Spain
  • David Vargas Flores

    Buenos Aires / Argentina
  • Maryem Taktak

    Paris / France
  • Wissem Ben Mansoura

    Dunkerque / France