C 31 - Addressing shortages in the medical imaging workforce

  • Radiographers / Physics in Medical Imaging
  • 5 Lectures
  • 62 Minutes
  • 5 Speakers


C 31_1 - Overview from the WHO on the health care worker shortages and contributing factors

C 31_1 - Overview from the WHO on the health care worker shortages and contributing factors

13:06Maria del Rosario Perez, Geneva / CH

Learning Objectives
1. To summarise the existing shortages, the WHO’s High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, and the ILO-WHO-OECD Working for Health Five Year Action Plan.
2. To discuss the adopted World Health Assembly resolution on the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030.
3. To explain the Call for Action Campaign that has been established to address the global health care worker shortfall.

C 31_2 - The view of the International Society of Radiology

C 31_2 - The view of the International Society of Radiology

11:57Luis Donoso, Barcelona / ES

Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of global radiologist shortfalls.
2. To discuss the ISR's contributions and strategies to counter the global radiologist workforce shortage.

C 31_3 - The view of the European Society of Radiology

C 31_3 - The view of the European Society of Radiology

11:48Lorenzo E. Derchi, Genoa / IT

Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of current, and future, radiologist shortfalls in Europe.
2. To discuss opportunities and efforts to counter the radiologist workforce shortages in Europe.

C 31_4 - The view of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists

C 31_4 - The view of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists

09:56Donna Newman, Fargo, ND / US

Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of global radiographer/radiologic technologist shortages.
2. To discuss ISRRT's collaborative efforts and strategies, submitted to WHO, to counter these shortages.
3. To discuss the ISRRT partnership with the EFRS to disseminate strategies within Europe to help counter these shortages.

C 31_5 - The views of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies

C 31_5 - The views of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies

15:40Jonathan McNulty, Dublin / IE

Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of the current status of the radiographer workforce across Europe.
2. To discuss opportunities and efforts to counter shortages across Europe through collaborative efforts.


C 31-1
Overview from the WHO on the health care worker shortages and contributing factors
Learning Objectives
1. To summarise the existing shortages, the WHO’s High-Level Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth, and the ILO-WHO-OECD Working for Health Five Year Action Plan.
2. To discuss the adopted World Health Assembly resolution on the Global Strategy on Human Resources for Health: Workforce 2030.
3. To explain the Call for Action Campaign that has been established to address the global health care worker shortfall.
C 31-2
The view of the International Society of Radiology
Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of global radiologist shortfalls.
2. To discuss the ISR's contributions and strategies to counter the global radiologist workforce shortage.
C 31-3
The view of the European Society of Radiology
Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of current, and future, radiologist shortfalls in Europe.
2. To discuss opportunities and efforts to counter the radiologist workforce shortages in Europe.
C 31-4
The view of the International Society of Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists
Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of global radiographer/radiologic technologist shortages.
2. To discuss ISRRT's collaborative efforts and strategies, submitted to WHO, to counter these shortages.
3. To discuss the ISRRT partnership with the EFRS to disseminate strategies within Europe to help counter these shortages.
C 31-5
The views of the European Federation of Radiographer Societies
Learning Objectives
1. To provide an overview of the current status of the radiographer workforce across Europe.
2. To discuss opportunities and efforts to counter shortages across Europe through collaborative efforts.

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