E³ - ECR Master Class

E³ 1226 - Artificial intelligence (AI) applications in the growing body

  • ECR 2021
  • 3 Lectures
  • 14 Minutes
  • 3 Speakers


E³ 1226 - C. Current and emerging chest applications

E³ 1226 - C. Current and emerging chest applications

14:07S. Schalekamp, Nijmegen / NL

Learning Objectives
1. To understand the current spectrum of available AI applications for chest radiology.
2. To learn about the emerging AI applications within pediatric chest radiology.
3. To discuss the future directions of AI in pediatric chest radiology.


E³ 1226-1
15 min
A. Big data/small people
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the basic principles of big data collection.
2. To learn about the organisation of big data.
3. To discuss the challenges in obtaining and managing big data in the paediatric population.
E³ 1226-2
15 min
B. Potential applications and challenges of AI in paediatric neuroimaging
Lucie Hertz-Pannier, Gif/Yvette / France
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the principles of AI applications in paediatric neuroimaging.
2. To learn about how deep learning networks can be used for segmentation, detection, and characterisation in paediatric neuroimaging.
3. To discuss the challenges of AI in paediatric neuroimaging.
E³ 1226-3
15 min
C. Potential applications and challenges of AI in the imaging of growing bone
Learning Objectives
1. To understand the principles of AI applications in the imaging of the growing skeleton.
2. To learn about how deep learning networks can be used for segmentation, detection, and characterisation in the growing skeleton.
3. To discuss the challenges of AI in the growing skeleton.
10 min
Live Q&A: How can paediatric radiologists keep up with adult radiologists in applying AI to clinical practice?

PEP Subscription Required

This course is only accessible for ESR Premium Education Package subscribers.


  • Tomas Sakinis

    Oslo / Norway


  • Tomas Sakinis

    Oslo / Norway
  • Stavros Michael Stivaros

    Manchester / United Kingdom
  • Steven S Schalekamp

    Nijmegen / Netherlands